
Here are the projects we are proud to be supporting. Click on each one to learn more, you can help them hit their target by donating online.
Have a browse through the fully-funded projects we have completed on. Feel free to scroll through and take inspiration for future projects.

Live Projects you can help

The Sunshine Support group Activities

The sunshine group Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust supports patience going through breast cancer treatment and beyond—support when you need it most. We rely on 100% voluntary donations, and all income is spent on supporting patients. We give back every penny to support women affected by breast cancer. The women we support are patients of LUHFT.

Projects we have already funded

Trailer for animal visits to school & local groups

We want to take our animals and resources out to children and disadvantaged adults - and enable them to physically experience a wider world.

Dons Local Action Group

DLAG and our supporters are sleeping out to raise money urgently needed to increase capacity to fight poverty in our community this winter.

Life skills for homeless and pregnant young women

We aim to deliver new health & well-being and financial resilience support to previously homeless, pregnant young women in our Walsall house.

Beartown Rickshaw

Free rickshaw rides around popular local beauty spots to improve mental health and wellbeing of residents experiencing social isolation.

Bassetlaw Community Food Hubs

Providing staple bags of herbs, spices, oils and other essentials to people coming to our Affordable Food Hubs so they can cook good food. Please donate now.

Family Minds Enriched

Relate West Surrey know that family life is going through immense pressure financially especially when they are from a low-income household anyway. The whole family is struggling and living hand to mouth and suffering with their mental health. The last thing they want to pay for as it is not high on their priority list is counselling sessions to help improve their mental health, even if it is for the children. Please donate now


If you’d like to get involved or learn more about the Mortgage Advice Bureau Foundation, reach out to us on our contact page.